Still Rarely Known, Acquaintance with Liquid Intelligence and Crystal Intelligence


When you talk about intelligence, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? How to think, think, or behave? Of course all three are right. However, intelligence is not just about that.

Psychologists have different definitions of intelligence. As reported by Very Well Mind, intelligence is about how a person's ability to learn new things and how they can obtain and use information.

Illustration of a woman in thought

Maybe you think having a lot of knowledge is a good thing. Or maybe you think that a good thing is when you have the ability to reason and can think quickly.

These factors represent what psychologists call fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence. These are two types of intelligence that people still rarely know about. Then, what is fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence? Come on, see the following explanation!

Theory of Fluid Intelligence and Crystal Intelligence

Launching from Thought Co, the theory of fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence was first put forward by psychologist Raymond B. Cattell and further developed with John Horn.

Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to reason and solve problems in unique and new situations. While crystal intelligence refers to the ability to use the knowledge gained through learning or past experiences.

Illustration of two children studying

Fluid intelligence can decrease with age, while crystal intelligence can be maintained or increased. The origin of this theory is explained further in his book "Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth, and Action" in 1987.

Cattell calls the ability to reason fluid intelligence because it has a 'fluid' quality that can be directed to almost any problem. He calls the acquisition of knowledge crystallized intelligence because it is "invested in certain areas of crystallized skill that can be interfered with individually without affecting others."

Fluid Intelligence Ability

If you are a person who belongs to fluid intelligence then you will have the following abilities:

Have the ability to think and reason abstractly.

Have the ability to analyze and solve problems.

Tends to use logic, pattern recognition, and abstract thinking to solve new problems.

Crystal Intelligence Ability

If you are a person who belongs to the crystal intelligence then you will have the following abilities:

Easy to remember science.

Have the ability to understand reading and vocabulary tests.

Can Liquid Intelligence and Crystal Intelligence Work Together?

Although these two intelligences have significant differences, they can still work together. One activity that uses both of these intelligences simultaneously is cooking.

As you cook, you will use your crystal intelligence to understand and follow the instructions in the recipe. After that, you will use fluid intelligence when measuring spices and other ingredients to suit your taste or need.

Illustration of a woman cooking

The point is that fluid intelligence is often used to learn new things. When you discover a new subject, you will use fluid intelligence to understand the material through logic and analysis.

Once you understand the material, the information will be entered into long-term memory, where that memory will develop into crystallized knowledge, hereinafter referred to as crystal intelligence.

Difference Between Liquid Intelligence and Crystal Intelligence

As reported by Very Well Mind, that fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence tend to change throughout life and with certain mental abilities peak at different points.

There are several things you should remember from the differences between these two types of intelligence, namely:

Both types of intelligence increase throughout childhood and adolescence.

Crystal intelligence continues to grow throughout adulthood.

Fluid intelligence reaches its peak in adolescence and begins to decline progressively starting around the age of 30 or 40 years.

Can Fluid Intelligence Be Improved?

While crystal intelligence can increase or remain stable with age, fluid intelligence is known to decline after adolescence. However, can fluid intelligence also increase?

Several studies have investigated whether it is possible to increase fluid intelligence. As reported by Thought Co., in 2008, psychologist Susanne M. Jaeggi and her colleagues conducted an experiment.

The experiment was conducted on four groups of young participants who performed a highly demanding working memory (short-term memory) task every day. Groups perform tasks for 8, 12, 17, or 19 days each.

The researchers found that the participants' fluid intelligence increased after the training. And the more trainees there are, the more their fluid intelligence increases. The study concluded that fluid intelligence can in fact improve through training.

However, there are also studies that have not replicated the findings, so the results of these studies are still considered controversial. However, from this research we can take the positive side, namely with brain training there will be opportunities for fluid intelligence to increase.

Well, that was the difference between fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence. Hopefully useful, yes!

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