Big picture person is one of the thinking styles that can be found in oneself. Big picture person itself is the opposite of detail oriented. If detail oriented focuses on a detailed thinking style, it is different from the big picture which thinks more about the big picture.
Basically, these two thinking styles have their own advantages and disadvantages. It's just that someone who has a tendency towards one of them might be able to take the positive side. Quoted from the Happier Human page, the 'big picture person' thinking style has several advantages, namely as follows.
Creative and Ambitious
The first positive thing that can be obtained from the 'big picture person' is that it is creative and ambitious. Yes, people who are 'big picture people' usually have unique ideas and have the ambition to show their talents.
In addition, this 'big picture' thinking style is also unyielding and always tries to reach the goal. Chances are they'll have a hard time quitting, unless they've gotten to what they want.
Tend to be Adaptive to Change
You are certainly no stranger to the term 'comfort zone'. Yes, the comfort zone itself is a condition that makes a person feel at home and feel quite safe from the various demands that exist.
However, this comfort zone is not a goal for someone who is a 'big picture person'. Someone who thinks with the big picture likes to try new things and is ready to welcome change.
They will also try to make each job more efficient. In other words, someone who is a 'big picture person' is ready to develop with various changes.
Focus on the Future
Basically, it's important to pay attention to what is happening right now and be grateful for it. However, that does not mean eliminating thoughts about the future.
Especially for those who are 'big picture persons'. People who have a big picture thinking style are usually quite comfortable thinking about the future. They have a plan about what to do to achieve a better future something their goal.
Easy To Work With
Someone who is a 'big picture person' usually has a tendency to be easier to work with. Why is that? This is because they are not difficult enough to give approval to the ideas expressed by others and do not mind being invited to cooperate, as long as the goals are the same.
These 'big picture persons' also provide space for others to provide opinions and perspectives. In fact, when the original plan changes, it's not a big deal, as long as the expected result remains the same.