The right age for children to be taught to fast


Among those of you who are still in doubt, from what age do you want to start introducing the concept of fasting? Come on, see the following explanation.

"Mother, Mother fasting?"

"Fasting niiii, Mother" (but in the morning asking for food :p)

This is the chatter of a 3-year-old child in early July. I want to teach you the concept of fasting, but it turns out that in terms of age, it's not enough. The introduction of fasting activities and all activities of worship in the month of Ramadan can be introduced since children aged 4-5 years. The form is also still simple. For example, involve them in worship activities, if I like to steal a start by inviting Jordy to pray in congregation, even though in terms of concentration and movement, it's messy, yes.. hihihi. But the important thing is that he knows that it is time for prayer, it must begin with ablution and wear a sarong.

Now, for fasting practice, it can be done when they are 5-6 years old or as much as the child can afford. The indicator, from physical strength. Terminate it with beduk fasting, remember right? Dzuhur opens, will continue again until sunset. Because in terms of religious law, before the child reaches puberty, there is no obligation to fast all day long.

The point is it doesn't matter if it's done gradually, as much as possible your little one can withstand hunger and thirst. And, it's also important to pay attention to their nutritional intake, they're still growing, right?

As long as parents and householders introduce the concept of fasting to children. There are a few things to keep in mind, so as not to overwhelm them:

Preferably before Ramadan arrives, the initial information about the holy month has been conveyed to the child. You can use a variety of Islamic children's storybook media that are currently available at subscription bookstores. With pictures the child becomes easier to understand the situation he will face.

Teach children also in a fun way, do not scare children or threaten children. For example, watch out later if you don't fast, you will go to hell, you know. Or if you don't fast, mom won't buy the toys, okay? This is highly recommended because children's understanding is still limited.

The concept of fasting that is explained to children at an early age is still limited to concrete things that they can see and feel for themselves, for example not eating and drinking, reading the Koran, praying tarawih and so on.

It's best to avoid giving rewards. Because we are teaching the concept of faith to children. Do not let the child fast not because he is obedient to Allah but on the contrary because he is chasing gifts from parents. Another thing if you want to surprise your child, try his favorite special food, if he is able to complete his fast.

In addition, the concept of mirroring children must also be remembered. We, the parents, must set an example regarding this concept of fasting. Irma suggested, it could be started gradually from sahur activities. For example, at dawn, children who are physically ready (sleep enough and no history of certain illnesses) can be invited to participate in the meal together. Explain to him why he needs sahur. Likewise with iftar and tarawih activities, all of these activities are exemplified in children. Children, who used to just go along with their limited understanding, then usually a critical child will ask "why can't we eat anyway" explain the concrete concept "yes, unfortunately we are fasting, we can't eat and drink until sunset," .

There is a possibility, the child will ask again. Parents also need to equip themselves a lot with knowledge, so that if we are bombarded with questions, we are ready to provide ammunition with simple answers but with terms of meaning.

As a simple guide, you can also use do and don'ts, as long as you introduce the concept of fasting to children:


Make sure your child is in good physical condition when trying to fast.

Use a variety of media to introduce the concept of fasting, such as books or cartoons that are easy for children to understand.

Reward the child as a reward after he is processed (not to give gifts at the beginning of the fast), for example the child's favorite delicious food.

Motivate children and provide reinforcement with positive words of support associated with their efforts, for example "Great, pious mama's child today can fast until sunset" then show non-verbal rewards such as hugs.

Do the activity of fasting gradually (fasting drum).

Do fun activities to divert hunger and thirst, just do low impact activities such as playing lego, drawing, and others.

Ask the menu that he likes for sahur and iftar. Parents also remain optimal in providing nutritional intake so that the child's vitality remains excellent during fasting.


Forcing and scaring children with threats.

There is no information given to fulfill the concept of fasting that he will/is currently undergoing.

Luring children with various gifts to attract their interest in fasting.

Parents do not give positive examples of worship in the month of fasting. For example, a mother who is angry with her child, even though one of the essences of fasting is also refraining from being overly angry.

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