There are many personality disorders, identify the characteristics based on these 3 clusters for easy identification

 Personality disorder is a type of mental disorder that causes sufferers to have rigid and unhealthy patterns of thought, function, and behavior. This causes significant problems in daily life, such as limitations in aspects of relationships, social activities, and work and school life.

Personality disorders usually begin in adolescence or early adulthood. Reporting from Life Stance Health, personality disorders are grouped into three clusters based on similarities in characteristics and symptoms. Here's the review!

Cluster A

Individuals with personality disorders in cluster A have strange, eccentric, and erratic patterns of thought and behavior. This unusual behavior makes it difficult for sufferers to socialize.

The following are personality disorders that are included in cluster A along with the symptoms shown by the sufferer:

Paranoid personality disorder

Sufferers will have difficulty trusting others, even if their suspicions are unfounded. They can also hold grudges for a long time, refuse to talk about their problems, and are easily offended.

Schizotypal personality disorder

Sufferers often hear voices calling their names. They believe that all events that occur have hidden messages and their thoughts can influence other people and all events in their lives. They are also uncomfortable with personal intimacy.

Schizoid personality disorder

The sufferer is reluctant to be around other people, thus making them appear cold. They are unable to pick up on prevailing social cues, express emotions, or enjoy routines.

Cluster B

Individuals with personality disorders in cluster B exhibit unpredictable behavior, are impulsive, and overreact to normal things. The following are personality disorders that are included in cluster B along with the symptoms shown by the sufferer:

Antisocial personality disorder

The sufferer does not care about the needs, emotions, and safety of others. This makes them often lie and steal from others to get what they want. They also do not show remorse after hurting others, so they are often called sociopaths.

Borderline personality disorder

Sufferers have fragile egos and believe that their loved ones will leave them. This can trigger them to exhibit threatening behavior, suicide, tantrums, and even paranoia.

Histrionic personality disorder

The sufferer shows attention-hungry behavior. They talk excitedly and show rapid emotional changes. They also think that their relationship is deeper than other people see it.

Narcissistic personality disorder

Sufferers feel that their needs and feelings are more important than anyone else's. They also fantasize that they are powerful, lie about what they have achieved, and expect a lot of praise from others, so they are often called arrogant.

Cluster C

People with personality disorders in cluster C are afraid of certain things and are reluctant to face those fears. The following are personality disorders that are included in cluster B along with the symptoms shown by the sufferer:

Avoidant personality disorder

The sufferer is afraid of rejection and criticism. This makes them avoid contact with other people in the work and social environment. They often feel that they are unattractive and unworthy of being liked.

Dependent personality disorder

Sufferers are not confident in taking care of themselves and making decisions. This makes them dependent on others. They risk being trapped in an abusive relationship for fear of confronting the culprit.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

The sufferer shows excessive perfectionism. They are obsessed with cleanliness and order. They believe that if they don't complete a certain task, something bad will happen.

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