These 3 Things Are The Main Causes You Have Difficulty Glow Up, Is there a Check Is Often Done?


Glow up has become a popular term lately. On social media such as TikTok and Instagram, there is even a glow up challenge with the hashtag #10YearChallenge.

Referring to the Urban Dictionary, the term glow up means transformation for the better in terms of physical, mental, and emotional. So, glow up is not only used regarding physical appearance, but is also used to show positive changes to a person's mental state, such as increasing maturity and self-confidence.

Becoming a glow up is certainly not instant, it takes effort and time to become a more attractive person than before. Try to remember again, the plan that you set a few years ago, can you achieve it now? Or do you feel stuck and just like this?

It could be, so far, your biggest inhibiting factor is that it's hard for you to glow up from yourself. You are too complacent in your comfort zone or what is known as the comfort zone. So that you are aware of what can make you stuck, let's look at some of the reasons that make it difficult for you to glow up!

1. No Action

No matter how much you watch motivational videos, there will be no progress if you don't take action. You've read books about how to be successful, but you don't practice the steps. You've watched videos about business but you didn't do it.

Or as simple as you already know how to make a cake, but you never practice the recipe. There will be no output that shows your success. So, don't just do theory, but never practice.

2. No Priority

Set the priority! In life, you must have priorities. It starts with knowing what to prioritize each day. If you plan to visit relatives but always find busyness to be an excuse, you're not really busy, but you don't prioritize it.

But remember, not everything can be a priority. Prioritize the things that are valuable to you and make you grow.

3. Mager Pride!

The plan is to go jogging in the morning, but instead lazy and prefer lying on the bed? Wow, you really have to avoid this kind of lazy nature.

The habit of being lazy to do something makes a lot of things can be delayed, due to work piling up because it is not completed immediately. Feeling lazy is normal, but if it drags on, feeling lazy can interfere with your activities.

That's a row of causes difficult to glow up. So, from now on, get rid of the things that can make it difficult for you to glow up!

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