These 8 Daily Habits Turns Out To Be The Cause Of A Distended Stomach, One Of The Causes Of Not Drinking!

 Distended stomach is still one of the problems in appearance. Not only in women but also in men. That said, the causes of a distended stomach are various sources. However, many say that fatty foods are the main source.

Compiled from CNN, apparently a distended stomach that can increase the risk of disease can be caused by daily habits. In other words, repetitive activities every day can cause accumulation in the stomach.

Not only from diet, but also habits that we may not be aware of. Anything? Compiled from CNN, here's the review.

Less Drink

So far, lack of drinking is often associated with skin hydration. In fact, not drinking enough can also cause a distended stomach, you know. The reason is, adequate water intake for the body can accelerate lipolysis or the body's process of burning fat for energy.

If there is a lack of fluid, then the processing function decreases. Plus, the body is dehydrated, so that the body's functions do not work optimally. No doubt, fat also accumulates resulting in a distended stomach.

Keep Sleeping

Humans do need sleep as a way to rest the body. On the other hand, sleep can help speed up the metabolism to lose fat. Unfortunately, if you sleep too much or sleep more than the ideal time limit, fat is actually hard to lose.

This is evidenced by researchers at Wake Forest. Their research found that people who slept more than 8 hours had more belly fat, which put them at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Eating While Doing Other Activities

Who likes to eat while watching scrolling Instagram or watching videos on YouTube?

When not focused on eating, a person tends to eat in excessive portions which make the stomach distended. For example, eating while watching your favorite show.

While you are eating, try to stay focused while distancing yourself from other activities so as not to be distracted.

Therefore, try to eat consciously, chewing slowly, so you can feel every food that enters your mouth.

5. Chewing food too fast

Chewing food too quickly includes daily habits that cause a distended stomach to facilitate weight gain.

Chewing too fast is prone to make the food not smooth perfect so it makes the stomach have to work extra in breaking down food.

6. Choose the elevator instead of the stairs

Preferring to take the elevator instead of climbing the stairs manually can be one of the causes of a bulging stomach.

In fact, climbing stairs is beneficial for burning the body's calories including belly fat up to twice as much.

7. Eat before bed

Eating large portions or eating high-fat foods before bedtime can affect the work of metabolism so that it is not optimal.

Instead of sleeping can burn calories, what happens is actually accumulating belly fat that causes distended to trigger gerd.

8. Always feel bored

According to research Frontiers in Psychology, someone who often feels bored often uses food as an escape. As a result, food intake is not controlled.

Feelings of 'fake' hunger also often appear suddenly when you're bored. To overcome this, you can divert your mind to other activities such as meditation, walking or cleaning.

That's a daily habit that causes a distended stomach that must be avoided.

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