This is the Ethic of Sending WhatsApp Messages to Polite Bosses, Don't Just Make It Up!

 Working as an employee or a subordinate in an office, of course, has some important ethics that need to be understood and implemented. One of them is ethics in sending messages to superiors.

Well, one of the media that is often used in sending messages today is WhatsApp. In sending WhatsApp messages to superiors, of course there are also ethics. Here's the etiquette of sending WhatsApp to your boss that you should pay attention to!

1. View Sending Time

Yup! One of the most important points when sending a WhatsApp message to a boss is to check the time in advance. Avoid sending messages outside of business hours.

Moreover, to send messages during bedtime, of course this will greatly disrupt your boss' rest time. Of course you don't want it if you are judged impolite by your boss?

2. Use Polite Language


Next, don't forget to use polite language when sending messages to superiors. As a subordinate who knows manners, use formal language.

First, say hello, good morning or afternoon. After that, don't forget to say thank you at the end of the message. Even though you already know and are familiar with your boss, but still pay attention to these ethics, yes!

3. Put the Punctuation in Its Place

Now! One more important thing that should not be underestimated, namely placing punctuation marks in their place. Use commas and periods where appropriate, so that the content of the message can be understood clearly.

Because putting punctuation in the wrong place will only make the boss unable to understand the content of the message properly. Your boss might be lazy to reply to your message!

4. Use Emojis sparingly

If you want to use emojis in the body of your messages, it's best to use them sparingly. Choose the appropriate emoji, not too much, and also not weird! Because this is also one of the ethics in sending messages to superiors.

5. Short and Clear Messages

As quoted from Wolipop, you should avoid sending messages with long paragraphs. Convey messages briefly, clearly, and to the point. Don't let your boss get confused by the convoluted content of your message. If you really want to convey a long meaning, you should just choose a calling method!

That's the etiquette of sending messages with superiors, easy, right? Don't forget to apply!

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