This is a series of good and bad effects of excessive consumption of peanut butter for health according to research


Are you a peanut butter fan? In fact, peanut butter was chosen to be the favorite jam of many people. Despite its delicious taste, peanut butter is sometimes recommended in weight loss menus.

But, you need to know some of the side effects caused by consuming too much peanut butter. Launching from Eat This, here are some of the good and bad effects of consuming excess peanut butter according to research.

Cause Acid Reflux or Heartburn

Peanut butter can cause chest and throat discomfort because peanuts are higher in fat than other nuts. This can worsen the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, which is a group of muscles at the end of the esophagus.

Fatty foods will relax the LES, and cause stomach acid to rise up into the esophagus and cause symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn. Tips to avoid this side effect is to limit the amount of consumption of peanut butter. You can consume peanut butter as much as 2 tablespoons per serving.

Difficulty Swallowing

Peanut butter can make it difficult for the esophagus to swallow. However, it is more prone to occur in people who may not be aware that they are allergic to peanuts. If forced, people who have a peanut allergy and continue to eat peanut butter can cause eosinophillic esophagitis or EoE.

EoE is a chronic immune system disease that can cause inflammation of the lining of the esophagus and make it difficult to swallow.

So, if you experience acid reflux and difficulty swallowing after consuming peanut butter, immediately visit a gastroenterologist to determine whether you have a peanut allergy problem or not.

Cause Inflammation

Peanuts contain omega-6 fatty acids which can cause inflammation if too much is consumed. When the body consumes a lot of omega-6, inflammatory processes can occur in the body.

To overcome this, you can consume more foods that contain omega-3 because it can help reduce inflammation, such as walnuts, salmon, or oysters. This is intended to prevent chronic inflammation which can have a negative effect on organs and body tissues.

Weight Gain

Although recommended in the diet menu, excessive consumption of peanut butter can also affect weight gain, you know! Peanut butter contains calories, make sure you only consume 2 tablespoons per serving.

If your one-day meal plan uses peanut butter, you can consume only 2 tablespoons per day. Make sure it's no more than that, okay?

Improve Heart Health

Not always bad, consumption of peanut butter also has some good side effects. One of them is able to improve heart health. The content of unsaturated fatty acids in nuts can be a substitute for foods with saturated fatty acids, such as processed foods and red meat.

Peanut oil is rich in oleic acid which is believed to help maintain good cholesterol levels and blood pressure, both of which are key to optimal heart health.

Those are some of the good and bad side effects of consuming peanut butter. Remember, yes, consuming something in excess is sometimes not good for the body. So, pay attention to the portion, yes!

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