Teaching children to fast, of course, should not be threatened or forced. What is the right way to teach children to stay active and win energetic fasts?
Teaching children to fast can be tricky because children are usually bored and feel too weak to carry out their usual activities. Naturally, a child's daily energy needs remain the same even though he is fasting.
Then, what is the best way to teach children to fast to stay active and win a fast full of energy?
Wake up the child's spirit
Children are great imitators, we have heard this so many times. In the context of learning to fast, we can give the impression that fasting is a fun thing and is done by all family members. Show excitement ahead of sahur or iftar so that the children are excited too.
No need to be forced to fast fully
Who wants to be forced, we don't want to, children also don't like being forced. The solution is to explain the good things that can be obtained by fasting such as resting the stomach and increasing worship.
You can also hone your empathy by telling stories about underprivileged people who have to "fast" every day because they can't afford to eat 3 times a day.
Prepare for activities that are not too tiring
After school hours are critical hours because children are tired after school but can't drink. The solution, ask the child to take a nap and plan fun activities that are not tiring. You can do light exercise together, help prepare takjil for breaking the fast or make D.I.Y craft. All the ideas can be copied on Pinterest!
Involve children in the selection of sahur and iftar meals
Eating favorite foods usually makes children more enthusiastic. Involve the children in planning the family's weekly menu. If possible, invite your children to join in the cooking to prepare for iftar. Remember to always cook a menu that can meet your child's daily energy needs!
Don't eat too much sweet food at sahur
Eating and drinking sugary drinks at suhoor will cause blood sugar levels to decrease quickly and even faster to feel hungry and thirsty. Make sure the child knows exactly this, explain in the child's language that excessive sweet food is good in the mouth but will make you weak quickly.
Eat sahur and iftar with balanced nutrition
Eating complete portions with balanced nutrition is certainly a solution so that children remain energized while fasting. The menu should consist of carbohydrates, vegetables, fruit, and protein.
Don't forget to help the child #WinkanPuasa and add MILO ActivGo which is delicious served warm at dawn, and MILO 3in1 which is better served cold for iftar. MILO ActivGo helps children stay energized throughout the day and MILO 3in1 helps children replenish their energy needs.
Now, MILO is also healthier with 25% lower sugar content but higher malt content, vitamins and minerals. Come on, make sure the daily energy needs of active children are still met even though they are fasting!