Toll Free Raya: Users Still Need to Touch TNG Card, Scan SmartTAG Or RFID

 The government has already announced a free toll offer in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri to return to the village and also return - on the PLUS and LPT highways. This free toll is offered for four days, namely on 30 April 2022, 1 May 2022, 7 May 2022 and also 8 May 2022.

Sharing more about it, PLUS now says users still need to touch the Touch ‘n Gi card or scan SmartTAG or RFID when entering the toll. However, no toll will be charged or deducted for the period.

This is in an effort to enable PLUS to record traffic data passing through the highway.

PLUS also advised the public to check the traffic situation on the highway through the PLUS application, as well as follow the recommended time to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams.

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