Various Research Projects Trying to "Confront God's Power"


Technological advances make many things that were previously impossible, become possible, such as trying to live forever, or even bringing back dead creatures.

Scientists from various countries also carry out various research projects to make it happen. When the sophistication of research results are shown, controversy often arises. Some people think that they are trying to resist the power of God. Following are some of these research projects.

1. Cryogenic Technology for Everlasting Life

A Russian company called KrioRus offers eternal life with Cryogenic technology. What's that?

Cryogenic offers body freezing services for 28,000 Pounds Sterling (approximately Rp 498 million). Media Express from England once wrote that Cryogenics is a science that studies preservation by freezing using liquid nitrogen. Especially for the preservation of the human body, this is done so that the human body can be revived in the future.

Director of KrioRus, Valeriya Udalova said there is a possibility that technology to revive the dead could be created, although there is currently no guarantee.

2. Artificial Womb

Over time, technological sophistication can also "create" living things. An example is a study conducted by a scientist named Alan Flake of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia who managed to "give birth" to a sheep.

This experiment was carried out in a system called the Bio Bag, a kind of plastic bag that isolates the lamb fetus as it is in the mother's womb. Apparently Alan and his partner managed to breed sheep outside their mother's womb.

The ewes of the ewes were injected with the sperm of the rams. Then both of them were put into a Bio Bag which had previously been filled with electrolyte fluid containing oxygen and several other ingredients similar to amniotic fluid.

Not only that, there is also a tube that is connected to the lamb's embryo as a substitute for the umbilical cord. The hose will pump blood to the baby lamb's body.

The research team made the condition, temperature, and temperature of the artificial uterus the same as that of the ewe, so that the embryo could grow properly until it was "born."

3. Revive Ancient Animals

"Can extinct species be resurrected?" This question may sound crazy. But a bioscience company is very confident that it can make this ambitious project a reality.

Colossal, as the company is called, is deploying the bioscience technology it developed to return the woolly mammoth or prehistoric elephant to the Arctic tundra.

Colossal argues that bringing the mammoths back to life would restore damaged or lost ecosystems, and in doing so could help slow or even halt the effects of climate change.

4. Old Resistant Technology

A team of scientists managed to engineer human skin cells to make them 30 years younger. Skin cells are reset to a much younger state in terms of certain molecular measurements.

While it is still very early in the research, this technique could play a major role in the quest to produce a rejuvenating drug capable of undoing some of the damaging consequences of an aging body.

There are a plethora of age-related health issues that must be addressed as you age, from heart disease to Alzheimer's. Further in the future, the research described here could be useful in finding ways to address this evolving problem.

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