As the control center of the whole body, maintaining the health of the brain from the risk of damage is an important thing that must be considered. One of the symptoms of brain damage is a decrease in brain function.
The decline in brain functions such as memory and cognitive is very dangerous because it can trigger the risk of brain diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer's. Not only eating patterns, bad habits that we often take for granted can also slow down the work of the brain.
These 5 Habits Can Damage Brain Function
Jessica Caldwell, director of the Women's Alzheimer's Movement Prevention Center at the Cleveland Clinic, said changing bad habits can help the body age healthily.
"Changing one of these habits can change how your brain works and help you age healthier and better. It's never too late to start," he says.
For that, we need to pay more attention to our daily activities. Here are some habits that should be avoided because they are proven to trigger brain damage.
1. Listening to Music at Too Loud Volume
Listening to music using earphones has certainly become commonplace for many people. Sometimes, when we are lost in the atmosphere, we often don't realize how loud the volume of the music we are playing is. Who would have thought, the habit of increasing the volume more than 60% of the maximum volume can actually harm brain health.
Expert Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD revealed, this habit will cause hearing loss which then makes the brain have to work harder to process what is said and is not able to store what is heard into memory. If this happens repeatedly, there will be damage to brain function.
2. Rarely have breakfast
Especially for millennials, breakfast is often underestimated. But it turns out this habit will actually have a bad impact on the brain.
After sleeping and waking up in the morning, the body needs the fulfillment of essential nutrients. Skipping breakfast will result in a lack of glucose intake so that blood pressure will be lower and have an impact on decreasing brain work.
3. Covering Your Head While Sleeping
Who would have thought, this trivial habit also triggers a decrease in brain work. The habit of covering the head while sleeping will block blood flow, thereby reducing the supply of oxygen to the brain. Oxygen itself plays an important role in the workings of the brain.
Lack of oxygen to the brain will make a person sleepy quickly and experience decreased memory and concentration. Brain cells are very susceptible to changes in oxygen supply. Even if there is interruption of oxygen supply to the brain for a long period of time, it can lead to coma or death.
4. Eating too much but not drinking enough water
The next habit to avoid is the habit of not drinking enough water but eating too much. Keep in mind that 80 percent of the brain consists of water, so the brain needs a lot of water intake in order to work normally to think quickly and focus.
While the habit of eating too much will cause a buildup of calories in the body. A number of studies reveal, receiving excessive calorie intake in the long term will cause the brain to lose memory or trigger mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in the future.
5. Frequent Multitasking
Too often multitasking or doing many jobs at the same time can also trigger brain function damage. Receiving too much information can reduce a person's memory.
Instead of increasing intelligence, research from the University of London says that multitasking can temporarily lower IQ scores by up to 15 percent. For that, avoid the habit of multitasking yes.
Those are some habits that we often do every day but can actually trigger brain damage. What do you think?