15 Years of Google Street View, 220 Billion Images Captured


Google Street View is now 15 years old and has been recording and mapping the streets of the world through 360-degree photos.

15 years ago, Street View started with an idea coined by Google co-founder Larry Page to map the streets of the world with 360-degree photos.

There are already 220 billion images recorded in the Street View database, which is spread across more than 100 countries and territories around the world. But Google does not stop innovating.

To commemorate this 15th anniversary, Street View launched a new camera system, with the same capabilities as the camera systems installed in their cars, but in a much smaller form factor.

This camera system weighs less than 7 kg, and can be easily shipped to any location in the world. Google says this camera system can be easily installed in various cars equipped with roof racks, and operated remotely using a mobile device.

This system is also modular and can be upgraded with various additional features, such as a Lidar sensor to increase its capabilities.

Currently, this new camera system is being tested and will be deployed to various countries starting in 2023.

In addition to the new camera system, Google has also added a historical Street view image feature on Android and iOS devices. It's easy. Simply tap on a photo to view information on that location, and select 'See more dates' to view previously recorded images at the same location and see the changes that have taken place.

For Google, Street View is considered an important step in their efforts to map the world. Gives users the option to view the latest information around the world, also provides an immersive and intuitive digital map service.

Google is also showing off its latest collection of images on Street View, namely places like the Pyramids of Meroe in Sudan and Les Invalides in France, as well as other popular places around the world that are already available on Street View.

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