Some water surfaces look inviting for swimming. But what may seem like a quiet place to swim, can be one of the most dangerous waters.
Here are 7 waters that are considered deadly, quoted by us from Pulse, Sunday (22/5/2022):
1. Lake Frying Pan, New Zealand
The name alone is enough to scare people to come to it, Frying Pan which means frying. It is so named, because the lake can be very hot with temperatures around 45 to 55 degrees Celsius.
Frying Pan is located in Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley, New Zealand. The lake is located in a part of the volcanic crater known as the Gema Crater. The eruption that created the crater killed more than 100 people in 1886, so the lake has a rather bleak history.
2. Lake Kivu, Rwanda
Lake Kivu has a beautiful and stunning scenery that attracts tourists and locals alike. Despite its allure, Lake Kivu holds a huge catastrophe waiting to explode.
The lake contains about 12 cubic miles of carbon dioxide and 16 cubic miles of methane in it. This gaseous material can actually explode at any time. When that happens, the lake not only releases water, but tons of carbon dioxide and methane it stores, so it will destroy everything around it.
3. Well Jacob, Texas
Jacob's Well is seen as a beautiful place to swim, located in Texas, USA. Seeing its beauty, people will never know that this beautiful lake has claimed the lives of at least 8 people for a year.
The danger of the Jacob Well lies in its appeal to divers. Its mouth is a 10 meter deep natural well that opens at the bottom to a vast network of dangerous caves that make many inexperienced divers disappear never to return.
4. Boiling Lake, Dominica
Swimming in Boiling Lake in Dominica is strictly forbidden because as the name suggests, the water can reach boiling temperature in seconds.
This lake will really boil us alive. With its bubbling grayish blue water that is usually shrouded in clouds of steam, Boiling Lake looks like a giant pot of water cooked on a stove.
5. Lake Natron, Tanzania
Lake Natron in Tanzania is a red water lake with a high alkalinity that reaches almost 12, enough to harden animals and humans to stone. The lake is covered with a red salt crust. Contact with the water of this lake, can burn the skin and eyes due to the spiciness of the water.
6. Great Blue Hole, Belize
Like Jacob's Well, Belize's Great Blue Hole looks alluring to divers. Beneath the beautiful dark blue water surface, there is a series of complex tunnels. The most dangerous part of diving into this hole is, the scientists found that when they went down into the hole, signs of life became rare. There is a thick layer of hydrogen sulfide that stretches all over its surface, and beneath it there is absolutely no oxygen.
7. Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is the most mysterious location thought to be responsible for the loss of many ships and planes. To this day, scientists and theorists have no clear answer as to why ships and planes simply disappear around these waters.