Apple Introduces New Accessibility Features Like Door Recognition, Live Captions And Apple Watch Display On iPhone

 The accessability feature on smart devices allows the disabled to use it without any issues just like normal people. Every year more and more accessibility features have been introduced. In conjunction with this year's Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Apple introduced several more new accessibility features specifically for people with disabilities.

The first to be introduced is Door Detection which identifies doors for the visually impaired. On the iPhone it can tell the user the position of the door, the distance, whether it is open or closed and how the door can be opened (rotate, push or pull).

It can also read the text on the door to inform the user of the room number and various other information. To ensure accuracy, Door Detection uses the LiDAR system on the iPhone.

Next up is the Apple Watch Mirroring feature that allows the Apple Watch screen to be displayed on an iPhone. Then the Apple Watch can be controlled using the iPhone’s accessibility feature to perform voice commands and more. By wanting Apple Watch users with mobility issues can use the iPhone as a secondary screen.

Also added is gesture support on the Apple Watch that was introduced last year. The double pinch gesture can now be used to start activities and more.

Next the Live Captions feature is supported on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Captions from the audio you are listening to will be displayed directly on the screen. It can be used while FaceTime, watching media, teleconferencing and more.

Finally, VoiceOver, which is an on -screen text reading feature for the visually impaired, adds support for 20 more languages ​​such as Malay, Aran, Mandarin, and Vietnamese.

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