Apple’s latest product in the new category is an augmented reality (AR) headset. In a previous report, this headset was said to be powered with the Apple M1 chip.
In the latest report, this Apple AR and VR headset is said to have fourteen built -in cameras for user avatars to have realistic movements and facial expressions.
In addition, Jony Ives is also said to be still involved with the design of this headset. He is said to be a design consultant to integrate four cameras, batteries as well as designs to make this product ergonomic.
The original design of this headset was a battery placed in the head caliper, however Jony Ives wanted a foreign battery design with the headset having a wire directly to the battery. Then it is expected to be powered with two chips, one with the Apple M2 equivalent chip and the other specifically to reduce the time lag problem.
This product is also a stand -alone product without having to rely on or can be connected to other devices.