Buy Goods Online But Slow To Courier Cause? You Can File A Complaint To MCMC


These days, many people are actively buying online, and one of the things that many don’t like is when the items ordered take a long time to arrive at your home.

Sometimes, this problem arises due to delivery service providers taking a very long time to ship from their location to the user’s address.

For information, for those of you who are affected, you can make a complaint directly to the MCMC authorities.

For that purpose, just open the MCMC COMPLAINT page today, and then select the Type of Complaint to Complaint, and Type of Service to Postal/Courier Services.

Next, select the Postal & Courier Service category, then the Late Delivery subcategory.

Next, select the name of the delivery service provider - such as J&T, Pos Laju, and various other service provider names.

Under the form, you only need to fill in some complaint information, and send it to the MCMC.

By reporting the wrongdoings of service providers, it will assist the authorities in taking action against service providers - while ensuring that the rights of consumers continue to be guaranteed.

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