Elvis Presley has died 45 years ago. However, some fans of King of Rock and Roll in this 50-60s era, some theorize and think that he is still alive. One theory, associated with the multiverse.
This conspiracy was mentioned when discussing the multiverse, in the live streaming of Eureka! edition of "Uncovering the Mysteries of the Universe" with a physics lecturer from the University of Indonesia, Handhika Satrio Ramadhan, Ph.D.
Handhika answers your question as to if the multiverse really exists, is it the same as the world we live in, and that we exist in another version of the universe.
"Universe in each bubble, the laws of physics do not have to be the same. There are those whose electron masses are larger or smaller, compared to the universe in which we live, and so on. The consequences that become these bubble universes do not have to have the same physical laws as ours. ," Handhika gave an example.
Mentioned by him, each universe is very heterogeneous. Some are similar to where we live, some are continuously developing, some are forming galaxies or planets but do not support life, and so on.
"Are there copies of ourselves in other multiverses? The answer is practically yes, because of quantum mechanics that there are infinity of universes that exist, there are infinite states for living particles, there is the possibility of more than one universe in which we are the same," he said.
We in other versions of the universe, he continued, may have the same family, the same country. There may also be us in other universes with different histories.
"As my professor said, there is a universe in which Elvis (Presley) is still alive. So in principle it is possible," he said.
The conspiracy that Elvis Presley is still alive in a parallel universe is nothing new. There is a group of people who do believe in it, and this is often used as an assumption regarding the world of the multiverse.
The idea that the universe we live in may not be the only one, was first proposed by Hugh Everett in 1957. This theory attempts to understand how to determine the location of particles such as electrons, because they appear to be in more than one place at a time.
One explanation is that not only do particles exist in our universe, they also appear in other universes. And there are an infinite number of these parallel universes, all slightly different.
In theory, this means there could be parallel universes where dinosaurs didn't go extinct, places we were never born, or where Elvis Presley still lives.