Last week, Elon Musk said that Twitter’s purchases and acquisitions had been temporarily delayed to investigate reports that a large number of users on the social media platform were reported to be bots.
Twitter later issued a statement saying that only five percent of the total Twitter users are bots, and most of them are like bots that post pictures, as well as service bots like Unroll, ThreadReader, DownloadThisVideo and so on.
Elon Musk, meanwhile, is said to have used third-party services to investigate the actual number of bots available on Twitter and recently said that it was closer to 20 percent, far larger than what the company said.
Parag Agrawal, CEO of Twitter has also issued a statement via tweet explaining at length about the issue of spam and even bots on Twitter, but was also responded with a shit emoji by Elon Musk who said that Twitter was just giving excuses.
Although Elon Musk offered the $ 44 billion purchase, he is now seen trying to lower the value of the purchase, mainly due to various factors such as lack of liquid assets, and the need to convert shares to cash that will force Elon Musk to pay capital gains tax.
If Elon Musk is no longer interested in taking over the company, he is seen as only having to pay $ 1 billion to Twitter.