Elon Musk Targets Twitter Users To Reach Nearly 1 Billion By 2028


Elon Musk is ready to announce he will take over Twitter for $ 44 billion, and is raising funds from various parties for the purpose. To achieve that, Elon Musk provided several targets for Twitter by 2028.

One of them is to reach the number of users around 931 million by 2028. This is about four times higher than at the end of 2021 which had around 217 million.

In addition, Elon Musk also targets Twitter to generate revenue of around $ 26.4 billion in 2028 - compared to only $ 5 billion in 2021.

Elon Musk also wants to reduce its reliance on advertising -based revenue to revenue through subscriptions and several other methods.

With these measures, Elon Musk has managed to raise funds from several investors. Let's wait and see who else will be with Elon Musk in gaining a stake in Twitter.

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