Honor Play 30 has been officially launched in China. It comes with a boxed body design and basic specifications through the Snapdragon 480 Plus chip. The screen is a 6.5-inch TFT LCD with HD+ resolution and a standard refresh rate of 60Hz.
Apart from that, the device is also equipped with a small notched front panel with support for a single 5-Megapixel selfie camera. Also complementing the device is a rectangular camera module complete with a single 13-Megapixel main sensor.
The battery used is 5,000mAh with a 10W charging. Furthermore, it also comes with a variety of memory up to 8GB RAM along with 128GB internal storage that can also be expanded with a microSD card.
Other specifications include running Magic UI 5.0 based on Android 11, 3.5mm audio jack and so on. There are four color options such as black, blue, white and gold. But, the sale price has not been announced so far.