KFC Malaysia Now Offers NFT Collection - Included With Promo Code RM20 Per Month

 KFC Malaysia is now also participating in the NFT arena, and is offering 11 exclusive NFTs through the OpenSea site starting today. A total of 8 NFTs were offered in the form of bids, while 3 more collections were offered in the form of contests.

KFC says these NFT holders will receive a monthly promo code to use in purchases on the KFC app - worth RM20 per month, up to 12 vouchers in total, leading to a total you receive of around RM240 over the course of this promotion.

KFC Malaysia also stated that the promotion of this NFT collection is also limited to 30 June 2023 only - meaning it is not for ever.

Roughly, each NFT is offered at a starting bid price of 0.08ETH, which is around RM840. If interested, you can refer to the special site provided by KFC Malaysia for this campaign today.

So for you, will you get this NFT from KFC Malaysia?

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