Twitter will begin placing warning labels for some content deemed misleading related to the Ukraine -Russia conflict. Not only that, Twitter will also restrict the spread of claims denied by humanitarian groups or other credible sources.
As reported by Reuters, Sunday (22/5/2022) this warning label will remind users that the tweets they read or receive have violated Twittter's policies.
However, users will still be able to view and comment on the tease, but the retweet feature will be disabled so that it cannot be shared.
"Such an approach could be a more effective way to prevent harm, while still maintaining and protecting (freedom of) speech on Twitter," said Yoel Roth, Twitter's Head of Safety and Integrity.
Twitter will make it clear that it will prioritize labeling misleading jokes from high -profile accounts such as blue -checked verified users or official government profiles.
Twitter said they define a crisis as a situation where there is a widespread threat to life, physical safety, health, or basic livelihoods.
It is said the policy will initially focus on international armed conflict but is also aimed at events such as mass shootings or natural disasters.
"While the timeline for this work, began before the war in Ukraine broke out. The need for this policy became very clear as the conflict in Ukraine unfolded," Roth said.