A 6-year-old boy finds fossilized teeth of a monster shark that lived in prehistoric times and ruled the oceans at that time. The shark in question is a megalodon that lived about 20 million years ago.
The boy named Sammy Shelton found him on Bawdsey beach in Suffolk, England, while on vacation. Experts have confirmed that the tooth belongs to a megalodon, the largest shark that has ever lived on Earth.
Sammy and his father Peter Shelton were indeed looking for ancient relics on the beach. Unexpectedly, the child found a megalodon tooth whose size was about 10 cm.
"Sammy was very happy because we saw the shark's teeth on the beach, but it was very big and heavy," said the father who was quoted by us from the BBC.
The findings were reported to Professor Garrod, a biologist at the University of East Anglia. "This tooth belongs to the megalodon, the largest shark of all time and its teeth are not often found in the UK," he said.
"Maybe only a few times, but this megalodon tooth is a good example, in very good condition, because it is usually quite damaged when it is found," he added.
Megalodon itself in its lifetime can grow up to 18 meters long and can weigh up to 60 tons. They are rulers of the oceans and love to eat whales. Its habitat is estimated in various parts of the world.
Megalodon means big tooth and this shark according to scientists went extinct about 3 million years ago. In those days ago, megalodon was probably very large in population. The sign is, the fossils of these animals are found in many places in various parts of the world.