Microsoft Launches Computer Input Devices For The Disabled


Using a computer with a keyboard and mouse is normal for the majority of the world’s population. But for those with a shortage of members, all input devices on the market can be used because they do not take into account their needs. Microsoft has launched a family of input devices produced specifically for people with special needs due to limb barriers.

Microsoft Adaptive Accessories consists of Microsoft Adaptive Mouse, Microsoft Adaptive Hub and Microsoft Adaptive Button. Each accessory can be programmed to perform a specific action or macro with just the press of a button. For people without fingers, for example, the eight buttons on the Adaptive Button can be programmed as needed.

Users can also use the 3D printing accessory on the Adaptive Hub to add a handle on the controller and a more comfortable surface to use on the hood limb for example. All of these accessories are produced by Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab which previously produced a more OKU -friendly Xbox game controller. All these adaptive accessories will be launched in the autumn, the price has not yet been announced.

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