Minister: Exciting Service Cannot Charge More Than 200%, License Can Be Suspended

 The Minister of Transport is now sharing more on the service problem involving the recent riots, where many complained about the sharp increase in fares and burdening consumers.

Sharing about it, the Transport Minister said the basic fare for excursion service providers is around 70 sen to 90 sen per kilometer.

It is different from taxis which are set at RM1.25 per kilometer. However, the difference is that taxis do not have surcharges or additional charges, instead the excursion service has a surcharge. This surcharge takes into account several factors, such as demand and so on.

In any case, the Transport Minister said the surcharge imposed by the excursion service should not exceed 200%.

In the event of a violation, the Ministry of Transport can take a number of actions, including revoking the license or suspending the license.

For now, the ministry has asked APAD to investigate whether there have been any breaches of the rules - and the ministry is awaiting a report on the matter.

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