Minister: Exclamation-Drive Service Can Set Fare Structure Based On Its Own Formula


The Minister of Transport has now issued a statement and comments related to the issue of fare increase for drive-by services such as Grab.

As many are aware, in recent times, many have complained about the increase in fares for the drive-thru service, many times higher than usual. In addition, every booking is also seen as difficult to get transportation-due to less and less car drivers under the fun-drive program.

The Ministry of Transport took note of the matter, and has already met with the relevant driver service operators. Further, it is informed that these various factors influence the fare calculation formula used by service providers, including weather conditions, traffic flow, market demand and distance traveled.

The Malaysian Minister of Transport also stated, “in terms of fare structure regulations, there are two charges, namely the basic fare and surcharge. The government does not regulate base fares and surcharges cannot exceed twice that of base fares, taking into account peak hours and fuel prices. Service providers are allowed to set their fare structure based on their own formula and terms of service with consumers in the open market. ”

At the same time, the government urged service providers to improve communication channels with consumers.

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