It’s been two years since Motorola launched a device with their foldable screen, the Razr 5G. It’s the only competitor to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, but is sold at a higher price with specs on par with mid-range devices.
This year they are expected to come up with a third generation Razr with a larger external screen as well as a camera that is expected to have better quality.
After the launch of the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, Motorola speculated that their Razr devices would be powered with this powerful chip. This allows Motorola to finally be able to compete with devices like the Galaxy Z Flip. A recent leak suggests the Razr 3 will come with a fingerprint scanner on the side.
Also visible is a larger external screen along with a dual-camera. The code name of this device is Maven and this device will be launched soon. What do you say about this device?