Apart from smart devices, Oppo Malaysia also shared plans to come up with new audio accessories. Through it, the Oppo Enco X2 will be introduced around this May. However, no specific launch date has been shared so far.
The Oppo Enco X2 is an updated model for the previous Oppo Enco X. It comes with an in -ear type font design with a silicone bud. Apart from that, it also supports audio tuned by Dynaudio, in addition to the codec used is SuperDBEE with Golden Sound for a better user experience. Not to be outdone, it is also advertised with good battery life, at the same time being able to provide an immersive first -person gaming experience.
As usual, all further offers on these earphones will be answered after it is announced later. We will also update on it, including for the official sale price.