In late 2019, Qualcomm launched a Snapdragon XR2 chip specifically for augmented reality (AR) devices with a headset reference design then unveiled in February 2020. The disadvantage of this AR headset is that it requires a wired connection to a smart device. Last week the design for the Wireless AR Smart Viewer was unveiled with it fully functional wireless.
The headset comes with two OLED screens each with FHD resolution as well as a 90Hz refresh rate. Another improvement is that it is 40% thinner with a more even weight spread to increase comfort while in use. It still uses the Snapdragon XR2 platform to work.
A pair of monochrome cameras and one color camera provide the ability to track 6 DoF movements in the virtual world. Processing capabilities are divided into headsets and wirelessly connected smart devices. With FastConnect 6900 technology the latency time is as low as less than 6ms as it supports WiFi connection 6. This reference design will be provided to selected business partners in the near future.