Refusing to continue to puzzle, the official launch date for the Realme Narzo 50 5G series has now been announced via Realme India’s new tweet on Twitter. Through it, they have scheduled its launch on May 18, 2022 and the Realme Narzo 50 Pro 5G will be introduced through it.
As far as is known, this smart device will be powered by a chip similar to the Realme 9 Pro+ which is the MediaTek Dimensity 920. Also to be seen, Realme emphasizes on a good first experience through it. Besides, they also claim that the five -layer cooling system included in the device is able to control the heat conduction effectively. No other information has been shared so far. But, it is expected to be shared little by little in the near future.
In a different development, Realme Malaysia is seen to be equally confused about its introduction. This also gives an idea of how likely the device will also be offered for the local market at a date to be announced later.