Realme has scheduled a launch event in India on May 18, 2022. Through it, they will introduce a mid -range specification device, the Realme Narzo 50 Pro 5G. At the same time, it is very likely that the Realme Narzo 50 5G will also be announced along with it.
However, the event is not just an introduction to smart devices. On the other hand, Realme’s line of wearable devices will also be updated with new offerings. The Realme TechLife Watch SZ100 will be announced, becoming the second model for the series after the previous Realme TechLife Watch S100.
Touching a little on the watch, it is seen to use a rectangular watch face with a kind of silicone strap. The display used is 1.69-inch HD with color screen support. In addition, it is also equipped with physical buttons on the right side intended to access or navigate menu controls.
Also complementing this watch are a number of built -in sensors for health monitoring. Among them are monitoring heart rate, skin temperature and more. Not to be outdone, it is also said to be able to last up to 12 days with a single charge. It does however depend on the mode of use of each.
As usual, further offers will be answered after it is officially launched.