Russian Users Will Be Barred From Purchasing Apps, Subscriptions and IAPs On Google Play Store


The economic sanctions imposed on Russia will begin to sting millions of users of the Android operating system in the country. According to a Google 9to5 report, due to restrictions on the payment system from Russia users will be barred from buying apps, debuts, subscriptions, and in -app purchases (IAPs) through the Google Play Store. Google has already announced this policy change to app developers.

Only free application downloads will be possible after this. Users who have subscribed to the app will be given until the last subscription date before it will be terminated. Credit purchases in video games will also be affected. Paid applications that have already been purchased will also remain on the device.

The obstacle is to comply with the economic sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia after it invaded Ukraine two weeks ago. Google followed in the footsteps of Sony, and Microsoft which stopped any form of purchase on their platform to consumers in Russia.

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