Scorching Hot Weather in India, Birds Falling


Birds fell from the sky in western India from exhaustion and dehydration as the scorching heatwave continued for three months.

This happened in the western state of Gujarat, where temperatures have been well above 40 degrees Celsius for weeks. Conditions have worsened significantly for animals as this year's heat is one of the worst in recent times, according to activists who work at the animal hospital of the non-profit Jivdaya Charitable Trust in Gujarat.

"We have seen an increase in the number of birds that need to be rescued by 10%," said Manoj Bhavsar, who works closely with the agency.

Activists have taken these birds and taken them to a veterinary hospital for immediate treatment, including injecting water into their mouths using a syringe and administering multi-vitamins.

Earlier, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) informed that northwestern and central India recorded the highest temperature for April in 122 years.

According to IMD, the average maximum temperature in April was 37.78 degrees Celsius, the highest for central India. Northwest recorded a temperature of 35.9 degrees Celsius, which is close to 3.35 degrees Celsius above normal temperatures.

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