Recently, one of the viruses that began to spread in some countries in Europe was the smallpox epidemic. It has also been identified in the Americas as well as Australia.
What is Monkey Smallpox?
Chickenpox or monkeypox is caused by an infection of orthopoxviruses. This smallpox disease can be spread to humans through several methods. It can be spread through animals that have the infection - including through bites, or contact with the blood of animals or body fluids of infected animals.
In addition, it can also be spread through contact with those who already have this smallpox disease.
Monkey smallpox has an incubation period of between 6 to 21 days, and infected patients will experience symptoms for two to four weeks.
What are the Symptoms of Smallpox?
Symptoms of infection for smallpox are similar to smallpox, leading to fever, headache, fatigue, and a rash that starts from the face to the palms of the hands, before reaching other parts of the body.
In addition, patients may also experience body aches, back and joint pain, muscle spasms, and swelling of the lymph nodes.
For children with low levels of immunity, it is at risk with more serious symptoms-and can lead to death. According to the Ministry of Health, the mortality rate in countries endemic to smallpox is estimated at around 3-6%
Previously, smallpox was identified in the interior of African countries, but in recent years, it has also spread to several European countries, in addition to America and Australia.
Risks In Malaysia
The Malaysian Ministry of Health says the possibility of human -to -human transmission of smallpox infection is limited - so the risk of spreading to Malaysia is low. Unless there is a history of contact with an infected animal, or direct contact with a smallpox patient.
The MOH is also now providing a brief FAQ for the public's reference in further understanding related to this smallpox disease. People are advised to always take care of their health, avoid contact with wild animals or eat their meat, and seek immediate treatment if they experience symptoms of monkey smallpox infection so that isolation can be taken immediately and curb the spread of infection.