There are many choices of emoji to express yourself when texting or posting something on social media. So which emoji are widely used in the world?
Research firm Crossword-Solver has listed the most used emoji today in all countries around the world through an analysis of more than 9 million tweets posted in February 2022.
The Tears of Joy emoji or happy tears 😂 is the most used emoji in 75 countries.
Top 100 widely used Emojis. Photo: Gizchina
They found that most social media users across the country use the Tears of Joy emoji to express happiness, while the Red Heart emoji ❤️ is the 2nd most used emoji worldwide.
This result is not too surprising because both are included in the list of the most popular emoji so far. The Tears of Joy and Red Heart emoji are the top two emojis in the 2021 rankings.
Crossword-Solver found Tears of Joy used almost twice as often as the emoji rolling on the floor laughing . This emoji is widely used.
The most popular emoji in countries around the world. Photo: Gizchina
The results also show that, in China, the "applause" emoji is used for sexual intercourse, while the "thumbs up" 👍 emoji is considered by the Greeks to be offensive.
To note, emoji have been used for 20 years. A Japanese artist named Shigetaka Kurita invented this emoticon in the late 1990s.
176 of the original symbols are on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, USA. Since then, the demand for emoji has exploded as mobile phones and digital communications have become an integral part of everyday life.
Users can now choose from around 3,633 icons to express their inner emotions.