South Korean technology company Naver Corp is now employing about 40 robots. The robot, named Rookies, is connected to a 5G network.
A robot using a 5G network moves during a demonstration at the Naver 1784 company in Seongnam, South Korea, Friday (13/5/2022).
This robot is an ambitious project from Naver Corp, the company that owns the dominant search portal in South Korea with an investment value of around 550 million US dollars (Rp 8.05 trillion).
Rookies, as the robot is summoned can walk among people and even take the invisibility elevator provided for them to traverse the building's 28 floors. Rookies are capable of delivering packages and coffee to humans.
The robot's brain is stored in the cloud and connected to the robot via a private superfast 5G network.
While Naver's robots are currently performing basic functions and their reliability is being tested in relatively controlled settings, Naver executives are counting on its affordability as a USP for a wider range of uses.
Naver declined to disclose the price of the robot, but said removing the central processing unit and graphics processing unit from the robot and keeping its brain in the cloud could reduce unit costs by more than $1,500.
Naver plans to increase the number of robots to 100 units this year.