The story of the film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, attracts the attention of science lovers to know more about the multiverse theory.
The film, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, tells a cross-universe story, and makes viewers wonder, can we travel across the multiverse like Doctor Strange?
This question was asked by one of you in the live stream of Eureka! edition of "Uncovering the Mysteries of the Universe" to a physics lecturer from the University of Indonesia, Handhika Satrio Ramadhan, Ph.D.
Before answering the question, Handhika reminded that all the multiverse ideas that are often presented in a number of science fiction works, are indeed acknowledged by the scientific community. However, its nature is still hypothetical because it is difficult to prove it.
"There is a group of physicists who are seriously studying the concept of the multiverse. So far, there have been many theories that have been proposed about the multiverse. So it's not just one version. As far as I know, it (the multiverse) is still hypothetical. That is, there is no experimental or observational evidence yet, " he said.
Because, said Handhika, physics is an experimental science. So as long as there is no proof of the theory, it cannot be considered a law of physics, so it is only a theory.
"All multiverse models are still hypothetical, so they are only models of mathematical consequences, not yet proven through experiments. So there is no evidence that travelers move from one universe to another," said Handhika.
Answering your question whether it is possible to travel across the multiverse like Doctor Strange did, Handhika said it will depend on which multiverse model you will use as a reference.
"As I said earlier, there are many multiverse models that have been initiated. If the bubble universe model (which is used as a reference), it is not possible to move from one bubble to another according to the laws of physics," he said.
Handhika likens the bubble universe to bubbles that appear in boiling water. While one bubble universe is expanding, the other bubble universe has stopped expanding.
"Because once they (bubbles) are created, they will expand at the speed of light. The space in which these bubbles are created will expand. So from the bubble universe model it is impossible to move to another bubble," he concluded.