The disappearing message feature on WhatsApp was first introduced two years ago, i.e. 2020. It is a feature that has long been available on Telegram, where after a message is sent it will disappear on its own without leaving an impression. This feature is useful when wanting to chat about something confidential or privacy and don’t want any information leaked.
WhatsApp seems to want to try something else when a new feature will be added to match this disappearing messaging feature. According to WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is testing a feature of storing messages that have disappeared.
This feature can be said to be like a message starring feature, where the user can choose to save or not. This feature is more useful in WhatsApp Group, so that messages that will disappear can be read later. This feature called Kept Messages will be present on all desktop platforms, iOS and Android.
It will later be accessible through the contact information section or group information. For now it is still in the development phase and it is not sure which beta version will be introduced or whether it will be introduced in the next stable version.