Evolutionary Theory Controversy, Humans Called Chimpanzee and Pig Mix

 The theories of human evolution are many and varied, some of which have also drawn protests and refutation. In history, one of them was revealed by Dr Eugene McCarthy of the University of Georgia in 2013. He is an expert in hybrid science.

He said humans were probably the result of a hybrid between chimpanzees and pigs. The hypothesis is that despite the similarities between Homo sapiens and chimpanzees, humans have features that cannot be found among monkeys or other apes.

"We believe that humans are related to chimpanzees because humans share so many traits with chimpanzees. Is it irrational, too, if pigs possess all the traits that distinguish humans from other primates, to assume that humans are also related to pigs? Let's take it as our hypothesis, that humans are the product of ancient hybridization between pigs and chimpanzees," said McCarthy, launching the Times of India, Tuesday (21/6/2022).

He again offered the opinion that pigs often help humans in medical science. One of them, pig skin can be used for the treatment of burn patients. Also, pig heart veins can be used as a substitute for human patients.

"Why would a pig be suitable for these purposes? Why not a goat, a dog or a bear -- animals that taxonomic classifications have no further relation to humans than pigs?" he continued.

Even so, this study still does not provide strong evidence to show humans are the result of a hybrid of pigs and chimpanzees. Further research is needed to support this hypothesis.

Of course, many other researchers disagree with this. They considered that there were complexities that made it impossible for a hybrid between a pig and a chimpanzee to occur.

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