Excited China claims to have found signals from aliens


China claims it may have received a message in the form of a signal from an alien civilization and caused a stir. But then, the report regarding the finding was suddenly deleted.

Quoted from the Daily Mail, Thursday (16/6/2022) the signal was captured by the Sky Eye telescope which is a giant, with a diameter of about 500 meters in Guzhou Province. Scientists have detected an unusual electromagnetic signal that could be sent by extraterrestrials.

The news was informed in a report in the Science and Technology Daily, managed by China's Ministry of Science and Technology. But not so long ago, the article was suddenly deleted and the cause is unknown.

"The Sky Eye telescope may have received signals of extraterrestrial life, according to reports from state media, which were later removed," Bloomberg said.

"The news about the aliens has been trending on Weibo social media and has also been quoted by other media, including state-owned media," they added.

In the article, Zhang Tonjie, who is a scientist in charge of alien search, stated that his team had detected two suspicious signals in 2020 and 2022, while conducting observations of exoplanets, as planets outside our Solar System are called.

The signal is a narrow radio wave that is usually only used in man-made planes and satellites, but may also come from alien technology. However, the research still requires further research to ascertain where it actually came from.

"Those are some electromagnetic signals that are different from those that appeared in the past and the team is working on further investigations. It may take a long time," Tongjie said.

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