Too many WhatsApp groups can be annoying sometimes. I don't feel like going out. Well, here's a safe way to do it.
WhatsApp groups on our smartphones vary. There are family groups, circle of friends, offices, schools, and even RT groups.
The problem is, sometimes we are included in the group without permission. Or, the atmosphere of the group is uncomfortable and makes us want to leave.
However, want to get out of there confused and uneasy, or worried about being gossiped. However, there is a way to leave a WhatsApp group that is relatively safe and can be tried, as compiled by us from various sources, Saturday (18/6/2022).
How to leave a WhatsApp group without being noticed:
1. Change number
You can leave a WhatsApp group without being noticed by other group members, by changing your phone number. This method is suitable for people who are flexible to change phone numbers. But indeed if you can't just change numbers, this method doesn't seem suitable.
Another drawback, the change in number of course needs to be notified to colleagues or closest people. In addition, the WhatsApp conversation history on the old number has the potential to disappear.
2. Fake number
How to leave a WhatsApp group without being caught can also be done by setting up a new number temporarily. Go to settings in WhatsApp (three dots above), select an account or account, then touch the change number menu. Enter the new backup number.
After the first step is complete, immediately leave the group you want to leave. Next, on the HP settings menu, select the WhatsApp application and then clear data and cache. The WhatsApp account will be lost but your name will still be in the group members list. Finally, open the WhatsApp application and re-register with your old number.
This step is quite complicated and requires two WhatsApp numbers. However, it seems the most effective way to give the impression that you are still in a WA group.
3. Delete profile name and photo
Edit names and delete photos on WhatsApp profiles, can be a strategy too. Although there is a possibility of being caught, at least there is no notification that mentions your name when you leave. This can be done when the WA group is busy talking.
One way to leave a WA group without being caught by other people, maybe little or no one will know that you have left because the notifications other members receive are not including your name.
4. Mute WhatsApp groups forever
This last method can be an alternative too. You can 'exit the group without leaving the real sense. That is to mute forever.
So you're still part of the group, but will no longer receive notifications forever. To do so, press and hold the selected group. When the option to mute notification appears or activate the mute feature, select the 'always' option.
After that, just forget that this group ever existed in your memory. The chat will continue to be shifted down by new, more important chats.