Considering before deciding on a college major for prospective students should be done. This is because after undergoing lectures, there will be responsibilities that must be carried out until you can graduate from college later. Not only that, generally the college majors taken can determine what kind of career in the future, you know.
Promising college majors don't always have to be difficult. There are some of them that can actually be a reference for you as a relatively easy college major. Why? Some of these college majors are known to offer exciting lectures, but still have bright career prospects.
Curious what it is? Check out the list through the following article, OK!
The first reference fell on the communications department. Even though it is called communication, this study program is not only about speaking. Through the communication study program, you will get to know about communication skills in a wider scope.
This study program is also related to reading, writing, critical thinking skills, to the ability to build relationships. In addition, the communication study program is also wide open for promising job prospects. Such as creative writers, marketing, public relations, to public speakers.
Want to be a teacher? You can choose an education study program to make your dreams come true. There are a complete variety of disciplines available in the education study program. Not only that, this study program is also considered fun for some students because it will be in direct contact with students.
Launching from the University of the People, apart from learning about the education system, through this study program you will also get to know about good ways to educate and deliver learning materials effectively. Although the job prospects of the education study program are more directed to become teachers, it does not rule out the possibility that there are other career fields that graduates can engage in.
Do any of you think that sports subjects are the most fun of all? For those of you who are interested in this one field, it might be suitable to enter the sports college study program. Interestingly, there are various sports that prospective students can choose from, you know.
Sports study program students will learn about the basics of movement to sports techniques, the human body, to fitness. This study program tends to be fun because students will spend more time outside the classroom to practice while remaining active.
Job prospects for this department can be athletes, teachers in schools, consultants, instructors, and even work in government institutions specifically for sports.
Language is one of the fields of science that is always interesting to learn. For those of you who have a special interest in this field, maybe you can use it as a reference when choosing a college study program later. There are three language options available on campus, namely Indonesian, regional and foreign languages.
Studying in this study program is known to be easy and fun. This is because students who study it will know the intricacies of language to the process of how a language can be formed. The job prospects of the Language Study Program are also relatively large. Such as writers, translators, teachers, and even linguists who work in certain institutions.
Interested in studying human behavior and individual personality? Psychology study program may be suitable for us to choose as a field of science to be occupied in college later. This study program tends to be fun because it sharpens one's ability to be able to understand one's personality to one's actions.
In addition, the career prospects of this study program are also wide open. There are various career options such as psychologist, research expert, HRD (Human Resource Development), to consultant.
Although known to be easy, but of course each of the above study programs also has its own challenges. Then sometimes what is considered easy by one person is not necessarily so for another. So make sure you consider it carefully before choosing it. Good luck!