Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was annoyed by Apple. Through his public channel on Telegram he again criticized Apple. This time, Durov claims that Apple deliberately restricts the movement of web developers on iOS to limit application features on the web. This of course has an impact on the web version of Telegram.
The Telegram app is now available on the App Store, although Telegram has faced some issues with Apple's review process in the past as Telegram's public channels have no content restrictions.
To bypass some of these limitations, Telegram also offers a full web version with almost all of the same features available on the mobile version as reported by us from 9to5mac, Wednesday (15/6/2022).
The Telegram CEO pointed out how many developers have complained that the Safari browser has shut down the web due to its limitations. Durov also highlighted an article published by developer Telegram Web in April with a list of 10 issues regarding the iOS version of Safari lacking features such as push notifications, VP8 and VP9 codecs, high refresh rates, and visual artifacts.
For Durov, the reason Apple is crippling web apps is forcing users to download apps from the App Store so that Apple can earn commissions from developers.
"We suspect that Apple may be intentionally disabling its web apps to force users to download more native apps for which Apple may charge its 30% commission." Telegram said.