4 Game Ideas for Kids with Action Figures, Fun and Can Sharpen Intelligence!


Children are indeed filled with curiosity, and often like some interesting games. However, not only that, you can also invite children to play using action figures.

In addition to being fun and able to hone children's intelligence at an early age, action figures have various forms that will certainly make children more interested. For those of you who don't know, action figures are toys that resemble famous movie characters or characters with smaller shapes.

Not only made as toys for boys, but action figures can also be toys for girls, really. Moreover, action figures also hone children's imagination, creativity, and intelligence, you know. So, what are some fun game ideas with action figures? Check out the following review, come on!

1. Storytelling

One of the best ways to develop a child's imagination is to read them fairy tales. Here, you can use action figures as story characters to make it easier for children to fantasize.

To make it even more interesting, use a different voice for each character in the story.

2. Role Play

Every child must often imagine being his favorite character, whether a hero or a princess. Well, you can play a role by using action figures.

So that children's creativity can be honed, let them create their own story scenarios and assign roles to each of the figures.

3. Treasure Search Game

You can also invite him to play looking for treasure using action figures. The trick, hide 4 to 5 action figures in different places.

Then, give a little clue to the child and let him look for all the action figures. This game can train your child's ability to think and solve problems.

4. Learn to Count and Remember

This game idea can train children's numeracy and memory skills, so that their intelligence can be honed from a young age. The trick is to line up 5 to 6 different action figure models in front of your little one. Then, close the child's eyes and pick up 1 or 2 figures.

After that, you can ask them how many action figures are missing. You can also ask them to count the number of action figures lined up.

So, those were some game ideas with action figures that you can do with your kids. You can visit Toys Kingdom to get a variety of action figure models that are your little one's favorite.

This online shopping site also provides many girls' and boys' toys, as well as quality children's equipment at affordable prices, you know. Come on, give the best toy for your little one now!

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