5 sites to check if your personal data is leaking on the internet


Has it ever crossed your mind, has your personal data been leaked on the internet? To find out, these sites can check if someone's personal data is leaked on the internet. You can try it right now.

Sometimes, people only realize their data has been hacked after an attack to take over their account, for example. In fact, don't wait for it to happen, you can prevent it.

Here are five sites that can be used to check someone's email and password leaks.

1. Avast

First, you can check for data leaks on avast.com. You do this by accessing the link www.avast.com/hackcheck/.

In the email, Avast will tell you how many times your email password has been leaked and what sites are linked to the email.


2. Have I Been Pwned?

Have I Been Pawned tracks email hacks. You just have to go to the haveibeenpwned.com site to find out if your email is threatened. You don't even need to log in, you just need to enter your email address.

3. DeHashed

The site dehashed.com lets someone know if a name's identity appears in the hacked list. You can also see where your password has been leaked.

4. Firefox Monitor

Visit monitor.firefox.com directly to find out the leaked email and password. All you have to do is enter your email address. You can even see the leaks experienced in digital services ranging from e-commerce to digital wallets.

5. Check Data

The founder of the Ethical Hacker community, Teguh Aprianto is said to have succeeded in creating a site that can detect whether someone's personal data is leaked or not. The website that you can visit is checkdata.com.

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