The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum (CFM) is now calling for a guideline to be prepared regarding compensation for telecommunication service interruptions to consumers.
This was called for by CFM in an extension of the recent Maxis service disruption.
Today, consumers' dependence on telecommunications is very high, and any disruption has a huge impact on a consumer. This is not only to communicate, but also in making transportation plans, to eat, to pursue education, as well as for payment purposes.
CFM calls on telcos to offer more than just an apology. Previously, we were ready to see some telcos provide replacements in the form of data for several hours, in addition to free SMS. CFM says these two are not commensurate with the loss to consumers-not to mention underused SMS, besides many who have subscribed to unlimited data packages.
Heading into the 5G era, CFM calls for no telecommunication disruptions, and if they do, consumers are given compensation commensurate with the loss.
CFM also aims that with compensation guidelines in place, the number of complaints received will be reduced, or resolved more quickly.