Hot Temperatures Cause Google Data Center In London To Be Shut Down Momentarily

 The United Kingdom is now seen to be facing the problem of extreme heat, where it has recorded temperatures as high as 40 degrees which is the highest temperature for the country.

It was also reported that a Google data center in London had to be shut down due to “cooling problems” that may be directly related to the very high temperatures in the city. Apart from that, it is seen that public transport systems such as trains and buses have been temporarily disrupted.

According to the Google Cloud status website, the incident was seen happening at 6:13 pm BST and allegedly harassing a small number of Google customers whose data was in the europe-west2 server machine for about 10 hours.

The issue appears to have already been resolved, but Google says they will monitor the situation to make sure that the same issue doesn’t plague their customers again.

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