Intel Is Expected To Increase The Price Of Their Chips By 20 Percent Due To Rising Material Costs

 Since 2020, the world has seen the issue of a declining supply of processing chips due to the COVID-19 epidemic plaguing the world, making the materials needed to build these components hard to come by.

Now, the supply of processing chips is seen to be recovering, but the price of raw materials is still at a high level, and Intel, which has just developed their Intel 7 processing chip manufacturing plant is seen to start increasing the original price of the chips they developed.

Nikkei Asia reports that Intel has sent an announcement to their customers, specifically device developers using their production chips that the components used will show a price increase of up to 20 percent.

This not only involves an increase in the price of processing chips but also other chips such as telecommunication modems, WiFi chips, memory and so on produced by Intel. The percentage of this price increase has not yet been determined, and the price increase will be reflected depending on the component.

Interestingly, the semiconductor chip industry is showing a decline in terms of demand where previously insufficient supply of chips no longer seems to be a problem. Companies like Acer, ASUS, Dell and so on say that they are ready to release their latest products in the near future.

This can be seen earlier where TSMC announced that companies like Apple, AMD and NVIDIA have reduced chip production demand for their latest offerings, expecting that demand for components as well as new devices will record a downward trend in the third and fourth quarters of this year.

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