Noise In Pictures Is Unique To Each Camera Sensor Like A Thumb For Forensic Investigation

 For fans of the CSI series and Forensic Files, you’re sure to know each individual’s thumb and gun barrel is unique. Based on the patterns left at the study site and the ammunition, hundreds of thousands of criminal cases were successfully solved. Next in the world of forensics, the pictures taken can be matched to digital cameras that take them to catch criminals.

Computer scientists from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands said the noise effects on the pictures taken were actually as unique as the thumbs and grooves on the barrel of a gun. Although invisible to the naked eye, they managed to match the picture to an 18 digital camera that took it with 99%accuracy. Each camera sensor has a unique flaw when produced and therefore has its own “fingerprint”.

In addition to pictures, it can also be matched to recorded video. The findings are hoped to help authorities arrest criminals who produce pornographic footage of images as well as videos of minors. Strong evidence can be used by prosecutors to arrest pedophiles who produce disgusting content with personal cameras.

This forensic system was developed under the 4NSEEK initiative by the European Union to develop the latest technology to combat the crime of producing images of sexual abuse on minors.

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